Launching our testnet environment!
Something that was actually already long overdue: support for the testnet environment of the Algorand blockchain. We had this environment up and running for internal (qualitative) testing, however we saw a growing need to also open this up next to our production service.
On our production environment we already saw a growing need for test transactions. As many developers, small startups, NFT projects and others were trying out our service, doing lots of test transactions.
Therefore we decided to open up, containing the exact same features as our production environment. But now connected on the testnet environment of the Algorand blockchain.
This makes it super easy and convenient to start testing out the API, play around with Andpay — Algorand Payments without having to do the transactions on the wallets connected with mainnet.
Full separations between environments
Our testnet environment is database-wise an entirely different environment, this also means that your production credentials won’t work on the test environment.
Therefore you’ll have to create different accounts between test and production, making it easy to keep data & transactions separated. You’ll also notice a green TESTNET alert bar on top of every page, to make it even more clearer that you’re interacting with a testnet version of Andpay.
Soon we’ll also include testnet support into our Algo Payments by Andpay Wordpress plugin, so that you can easily complete test transactions via the testnet environment of the blockchain. We’ll update you on that via Twitter or here on Medium.
Curious to try it out? Create a new account on and start testing Algorand Payments by Andpay with your service.